RISK – Unqualified / incompetent operator
A Verification of Competency (VOC) is in addition to the attainment of any high risk work licence and/or other qualification. For Rail operations/rolling stock, use a Rail specific VOC.
Conduct pre-start checks on plant, machinery and vehicles prior to use, recording hours and any faults that have been identified.
It is the drivers responsibility to conduct pre-start checks on light vehicles to ensure the vehicle is maintained in accordance with its maintenance schedule.
Verification of Competency (VOC) is a method used to determine the ability of an individual (John Holland employees or subcontractors) to competently perform high risk work or operate an item of plant or equipment safely. This John Holland requirement is in addition to the attainment of any High Risk Work Licence (HRWL) and/or other qualifications.
It is recommended that anyone at John Holland involved in managing or identifying VOC requirements, as well as those determining the most appropriate option/s for conducting a VOC at a workplace, complete the VOC Procedure Familiarisation e-Learning Module.
If you are uncertain if a VOC is required, follow the VOC decision flowchart below (also found in Section 2 of the VOC procedure linked below):
An effective VOC process must take into account:
- Specific workplace hazards and requirements
- The make and model of the relevant item of plant/work being conducted
- Plant modifications
- Different configurations
- Plant attachments
There are three possible options for how a VOC may be conducted at a workplace. These options are below:
OPTION 1: VOC Conducted by an external Registered Training Organisation (RTO)
- RTOs will implement their own VOC processes which are accepted by the workplace
- RTOs may conduct the VOC at the workplace using the JH VOC instruments
- Evidence of competency will be in the form of a certificate, statement of attainment or similar
OPTION 2: VOC conducted by a subcontractor organisation
- A subcontractor's VOC procedure and associated VOC instruments must be submitted to JH in advance and assessed by the HSE professional using the External Provider's Verification of Competency Checklist
- Subcontractors may also conduct the VOC at the workplace using JH VOC instruments
- Evidence of competency may be in the form of a completed instrument or a detailed letter from the subcontractor
OPTION 3: VOC conducted by the JH Internal VOC process
A VOC Verifier verifies the competency of the applicant. The Verifier must hold a certificate IV in training and assessment (or equivalent), or have completed the JH VOC Verifier training.
A Verifier can be a SME in the plant, equipment or high-risk work associated with the VOC. If they are not an SME, the Verifier must conduct the VOC with an SME in attendance.
These three options are detailed in the VOC Requirment Options table (Section 3.1 of the VOC Procedure linked below).
Related GMRs
3.1 All lifting operations must be planned, managed and conducted by a competent person(s)
3.E Do not undertake any lifting operations unless you are trained, qualified and competent to do so
Related Procedures / Forms
Plant and Equipment Procedure
Verification of Competency (VOC) Procedure
Verification of Competency Instruments / Forms
John Holland Rail Requirement Schedule
External VOC providers Checklist
Safe Driving Procedure
VOC Table