RISK – Conducting work whilst being unfit to do so
An appropriate person can be your supervisor, Health and Safety Representative (HSR), Wellbeing Champion, Mental Health First Aiders (MHFAider) or a colleague.
If you believe you or someone else is unfit to work:
- Notify your immediate Supervisor.
- Isolate yourself / the person from the workplace
- Discuss your concerns with a Mental Health First Aider or Wellbeing Champion (WCh)
From here the WCh/Mental Health First Aider will:
- Ensure you or the relevant person has a safe means of transport home
- Ensure information is provided to appropriate health professionals or support material
Follow up with the individual after the fact to ensure their wellbeing is being adequately managed and they do not return to work until they are fit to do so.
If a person obtains a positive result from a self/voluntary test prior to commencing work, they will notify their Supervisor. In this event the following will apply:
- The person will be deemed unfit for work and immediately isolated from the workplace
- The person will take sick leave, annual leave or otherwise authorised unpaid leave depending on their entitlements
- The workers employer will take all reasonable steps to ensure a safe means of transport home is available at the worker’s expense
- The worker will be prevented from performing work until such time as they can demonstrate they are fit to return to work.
If found positive through self-testing, the disciplinary process is suspended.
John Holland's Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
The EAP is a free service for any John Holland employee, and provides independent and confidential counselling with professional psychologists.