I will protect myself and others against exposure to energy sources
8.1 Identify when hazardous material or energy sources require isolation and determine if an isolation permit is needed
8.2 Assess the potential risks involved in isolation / de-isolation and communicate control measures to affected workers
8.3 Physical isolation and de-isolation must be completed by a competent and authorised person
8.4 All isolation points must be clearly identified, proven isolated, tagged, locked and controlled to prevent inadvertent energisation
8.5 Assess machinery for components with potential stored energy under tension or pressure
8.A Test before touch - Test for hazardous material and stored energy prior to breaking containment systems
8.B Release any stored energy prior to opening hoses or vessels under pressure or working with belts and cables under tension
8.C Review the isolation status after any work break or change in conditions
8.D Continually monitor isolation controls to ensure they are in place and working as intended
8.E Re-instate all guarding and safety systems upon completion of work prior to de-isolation
8.F Do not remove another person’s danger tag or isolation lock unless an Authority to Remove Personal Danger Lock Form has been approved