I will protect the environment, prevent pollution, and minimise waste and resource use
9.1 Identify environment risks in the planning phase and allocate appropriate controls and resources to manage the risks
9.2 Confirm all approvals, licenses, permits and environmental investigations are completed and communicated prior to commencing work
9.3 Implement all drainage, sediment, erosion, spill response and water quality controls prior to commencing work
9.4 Identify and protect heritage, flora or fauna and other sensitive areas and delineate using physical demarcation and/or signage
9.5 Minimise energy, water and waste and prioritise the selection of resource efficient materials
9.6 Assess and, if required, classify spoil and waste prior to being lawfully removed and disposed
9.A Do not enter sensitive areas or work outside the workplace boundary unless authorised by the Workplace Manager
9.B Minimise dust, noise and vibration at all times and work within approved site working hours
9.C Store, handle, use and dispose of waste and hazardous substances in a manner that minimises environmental impact
9.D Maintain and review drainage, erosion and sediment controls as works progress
9.E Stop and notify site management if potential heritage artefacts, protected flora and fauna or contaminated soils are found
9.F Do not discharge water without authorisation to do so